Decapitated vient d'annoncer son Faces of Death, une tournée européenne qui se fera en compagnie de Beyond Creation, Lorna Shore, Viscera et Ingested.
Voici les dates :
- 06.03.20 Germany Berlin @ Lido
- 07.03.20 Germany Hamburg @ Bahnhof Pauli
- 08.03.20 Denmark Aarhus @ Voxhall
- 09.03.20 Germany Hannover @ Béi Chéz Heinz
- 10.03.20 Germany Oberhausen @ Kulttempel
- 11.03.20 The Netherlands Nijmegen @ Doornroosje
- 12.03.20 UK London @ ULU
- 13.03.20 UK Glasgow @ Slay
- 14.03.20 UK Manchester @ Club Academy
- 15.03.20 UK Birmingham @ Mama Roux’s
- 16.03.20 UK Bristol @ The Fleece
- 17.03.20 UK Southampton @ The Loft
- 18.03.20 Belgium Aarschot @ De Klinker Club
- 19.03.20 France Paris @ Le Trabendo
- 20.03.20 Switzerland Aarau @ KiFF
- 21.03.20 Germany Karlsruhe @ Weisse Rose
- 22.03.20 Italy Milan @ Slaughter Club
- 23.03.20 Germany Munich @ Backstage
- 24.03.20 Austria Vienna @ Viper Room
- 25.03.20 Hungary Budapest @ Dürer Kert
- 26.03.20 Czech Republic Prague @ Nová Chmelnice
- 27.03.20 Poland Wroclaw @ Pralnia
- 28.03.20 Germany Dresden @ Puschkin
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