Un nouveau single pour ELYSIAN BLAZE

Non, il n'y aura pas de nouvel album en succession à Blood Geometry, en tous cas pas pour l'instant. Cependant, Elysian Blaze vient de révéler un nouveau single, The Virtue of Suffering.

Le titre se découvre ci-dessous, et voici le communiqué lié à la sortie du morceau :

To be clear, after years of unsucessfully tyring to record the follow up album to "Blood Geometry", I decided to focus my energies on recording and releasing a single track. As you may be aware, the material for the next full length album has been written for quite a few years now; I just need to record it. So instead of starting and re-starting the recording process with nothing to show for it, creating a single track has allowed me to finally share new music with you all. In this period of silence I've had to re-assess the ways in which I create and manifest the multiverse of Elysian Blaze. Being able to finally share new music is energising and strengthening. The prospect of recording a new album doesn't seem so daunting now, and my focus is now on finally completing that goal. Thank you for your patience. Kindest regards, ~M.
