Premiers détails du prochain album de Saille

Le groupe de Mélodique Black Metal belge Saille vient d'annoncer que son nouvel album s'intitulerait "Eldritch". Celui-ci est en cours d'enregistrement et l'artwork sera fait par Negakinu, un Néerlandais ayant notamment travaillé avec Carach Angren. L'album sortira via Code666/Aural Music le 10 novembre 2014.

Voici les commentaires des musiciens :

Saille vocalist Dennie Grondelaers:

”We have created what we hope will be a step up from ‘Ritu’. A tight concept, with the right audial and visual stimulation, our most interesting lyrics to date and the best songwriting thus far. Saying that we’re excited would be an understatement.”

Regarding the new Saille album title, Grondelaers says:

”Since the beginning of storytelling, man has been fascinated with the fearful, the uncanny and the weird. Things that go bump in the night. Things that in their very nature can best be described as ‘Eldritch’.

With our newest release we will not be breaking new ground when it comes to original concepts and we don’t want to. What we do want is to give the listener a brief introduction to several of the best ‘Eldritch’ works of fiction that exist. Some of them contemporary, others written around the turn of the previous century and one or two considered highly influential classics. But none of them should ever be forgotten.

For how much fun would a world without a little bit of fear be?”
