Nouveau morceau en streaming pour Abney Park

Le groupe Steampunk, Abney Park vient de mettre en ligne un nouvel extrait de son album, "The Circus At The End Of The World". Il s'intitule 'Katyusha' c'est une interprétation d'un célèbre air populaire Russe.

Voici son histoire:

"This song has haunted me for years. Its a very famous well love Russian folk song, and its melody just wormed in to head. One day were where touring through Liepzig, Germany, and in fact we were standing in the shadow of Bach's cathedral, when this weathered old man walked by playing it on his accordion. I said to the band, "man, I would love to cover that song, and put thats guys playing as the intro to it!" But he walked past, and that was that.

Later that night, I turn another cobblestone corner, and there was the old accordion master again! So I hit record on my iPhone, and walked up to him and requested that song. He didn't speak english, I didn't speak German, but we both spoke music. "
