Annulation de la tournée des festivals 2013 de WASP

W.A.S.P. déclare forfait pour la tournée des festivals de cet année. En effet, Blackie Lawless s'est cassé une jambe suite à un accident de voiture et a dû subir une opération chirurgicale. Voici le communiqué du groupe qui s'excuse auprès de ses fans:

"W.A.S.P. will unfortunately be forced to cancel the upcoming european festivals for summer 2013.

Blackie Lawless was injured in a vehicle related Accident that resulted in him breaking a leg. Complete recovery is expected following surgery. W.A.S.P. apologizes with all sincerity and say to all of our fans that we will be back next year bigger and better than ever. Blackie would also like to thank in advance all of those who Wish to make inquiries about his well-being". 
