DÅÅTH dévoile son nouveau morceau avec Mark Holcomb (PERIPHERY) et Mick Gordon (WOLFENSTEIN, DOOM)

Après avoir marqué son retour avec "No Rest No End" et dévoilé sa reprise de Death, le groupe américain de Death Metal industriel, Dååth dévoilé un nouveau morceau inédit, "Purified By Vengeance". On y retrouve en invité le guitariste Mark Holcomb (Periphery) et le compositeur australien Mick Gordon connu pour son travail sur Wolfenstein et Doom.

Découvrez le morceau ci-dessous.

Eyal Levi guitariste et fondateur du groupe explique : "‘Purified By Vengeance’ is the first song we wrote for Dååth’s return and it has everything I would want from one of our songs. Devastating riffs, eerie synths, epic orchestration, brutal and catchy vocals, ethereal cleans, and an incredible solo.

And on that note, shout-out to Mick Gordon and Mark Holcomb for their contributions. When Mick told me the song made him think of grave robbing I knew he was picking up what we were putting down. He added what we didn’t know was missing. Layers of incredible percussion, sound design, orchestra, and theremin. Yes theremin. You’ve gotta love an evil theremin. Furthermore, the way Mick’s elements blend with Jesse Zuretti’s is perfect.

As far as Holcomb goes, I literally laughed out loud when I first heard his solo. It’s wild and classy, virtuosic and tasteful, unpredictable yet familiar. To be honest, it’s my favorite Mark Holcomb solo. You can tell him I said that.
