Sortie et streaming intégral du nouveau PLAGUE ORGAN


Le groupe de Black Death Metal avantgardiste Plague Organ vient de sortir son album Orphan via Sentient Ruin Laboratories au format K7 et Digital. Découvrez l'album en streaming ci-dessous. 

L'album est composé d'un unique morceau de plus de 35 minutes mêlant les influences ritualistes, Dark Ambient, Free-Jazz ou encore Drone de quoi ravir les adeptes de Ride for Revenge, 夢遊病者, Sunn O))), Chaos Echoes, Antediluvian, Oksennus et Sect Pig

"With influences ranging from deviant free-form jazz, drone and dark ambient, to ritualistic black and death metal all the way to the most erratic strains of kraut and improvised psychedelia, abhorrent avant-garde/ambient black/death metal deformity Plague Organ debut with their first ever offering, "Orphan", a spiraling and malformed mantra of deviated experimentalism and inverted incantations designed to bore into the listener's mind and ravage it of its sanity. On the single forty-minute track, the deranged Dutch duo (who feature members from death metal deliriants Cryptae, Imperial Cult, Dead Neanderthals are more) unravel a single nauseating and diseased spell of guitar-less aural claustrophobia made of hallucinating synth patterns, obsessive percussions, psychotic bass-lines, blood-curdling grunts and spectral lamentations that combined unison weave a suffocating and disorienting fractal of self-replicating passages, making the listener feel asphyxiated in a dimensionless maze with no discernible exit. Trapped inside the near-geometric absurdity the listener becomes the subject of a lucid nightmare as they sink deeper into a state of catatonic delirium and of helpless hypnosis while their psyche is meticulously consumed and devoured by album's abhorrent repetitions and winding hypnotic deformities. By all means a triumph in fringe sonic experimentalism and among the most accomplished and unclassifiable avant-garde extreme metal anomalies of the year, "Orphan" is a must for all fans of other deranged experimentalists like Ride for Revenge, 夢遊病者, Sunn O))), Chaos Echoes, Antediluvian, Oksennus, Sect Pig and beyond.

L'artwork est signé Stefan Thanneur.
