Découvrez le nouvel album du One-man band de Cyber / Noise / Grind Experimental, Corvid Canine. Il s'intitule 美しく死んでいる et se découvre ci-dessous en streaming intégram. On y retrouve des éléments Black Metal et Shoegaze.
Tracklist :
01. 天に踊るんだ - 01:37
02. Life Pouring Out as You Realize that You Have No One to Share this Moment With - 01:24
03. Spectral Symphony Strung with the Gut of the Damned - 01:06
04. Forgotten Portrait of the Elegant Executioner - 01:39
05. Drunk On Your Own Jugular Merlot - 01:21
06. Rotten Fangs and a Rusty Rapier - 01:34
07. Hung by the Wrists at the Deathmasquerade Ball - 01:07
08. Dying Gasps of Eviscerated Mortal Sacrifices for a Lycanthrope Funeral Feast - 01:46
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