Le projet d'Horrorwave, Apparition, vient de sortir son premier album The Ravenous Dusk, premier d'un trilogie horrifique et vampirique. Il est disponible via Seance Records en format CD et digital, découvrez le en streaming intégral ci-dessous. Une version K7 dans le style VHS est en pré-commande, elle sortira le 25 juin prochain.
Comme tous films d'horreur voici le résumé : "Legend spoke of an unspeakable horror in the mountain ruins. Villagers would tell tales to scare the children. But what if the stories were true?
Grave robbers lured by tales of priceless treasure hidden deep within the mountains will get more than they bargained for when they unearth an antiquated crypt. For this is the grave of Arkhan and his thirst is unquenchable!
Once a dreaded warlord of the Eastern lands it was said that his deeds were so evil that the devil granted him immortality. He scourged the land for generations with blood and fire like an unstoppable pestilence until he was eternally condemned to his tomb by a man known only as The Priest; more a man of the sword than a man of the cloth.
Now awoken from a deep slumber of centuries Arkhan takes flight into a new world. Enraged by diabolical bloodlust, any man woman or child in his path will feel the savage fury of his fangs. And in death as in life his cruelty knows no bounds; his savagery no limits.
But Arkhan pines for his lost love, the beautiful Ludmila and is haunted by distant memories of her tomb. He seeks revenge on the descendants of those who stole her from him and makes a vow of vengeance to gorge on the blood of his enemies but The Priest is waiting for him. For the spell which bound Arkhan to the grave would also resurrect The Priest from the Grave should it even be broken. It is now a battle between good and evil; two undead souls locked together in an eternal covenant.
Will the Priest vanquish Arkhan or will Arkhan send The Priest straight to Hell? Will Ludmilla rise from Her Tomb and can the heart of evil be broken? Or will the world be bathed in blood forever as the final battle shrouds the world in a RAVENOUS DUSK! "
Tracklist :
01. The Beginning - 07:16
02. The Grave Robbers - 05:20
03. Arkhan Wakes To New World - 03:32
04. Akhan Takes Flight - 03:11
05. The Dawn Approaches - 03:04
06. Appairition - Fight Or Flight - 03:45
07. Distant Memories - 04:52
08. Eternity Alone - 05:05
09. The Last Stand - 04:58
10. Ludmila's Dream - 04:02
11. Dance Of The Phantasms - 03:51
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