Le quatuor Siege of Power, comprenant Chris Reifert – Vocals (Autopsy, Violation Wound, Abscess, Painted Doll), Paul Baayens – Guitars (Asphyx, ex-Hail of Bullets, Thanatos), Theo van Eekelen – Bass (ex-Hail of Bullets, ex-Houwitser, ex-Grand Supreme Blood Court) et Bob Bagchus – Drums (ex-Asphyx, Soulburn, ex-Grand Supreme Blood Court) vient de mettre en ligne un tout nouveau clip qui illustre le morceau "The Cold Room".
Le morceau s'inscrit dans le prochain opus du groupe, Warning Black, prévu pour le 7 septembre prochain chez Metal Blade Records.
On vous propose de visionner le clip ci-dessous.
1. Conquest for What?
2. For the Pain
3. Bulldozing Skulls
4. Born into Hate
5. Torture Lab
6. Uglification
7. Trapped and Blinded
8. Diatribe
9. Warning Blast
10. Mushroom Cloud Altar
11. Lost and Insane
12. Bleeding for the Cause
13. Escalation 'Til Extermination
14. Privileged Prick
15. Short Fuse
16. Violence in the Air
17. It Will Never Happen
18. The Cold Room
19. Servant of Nothing (Bonus)
20. Mushroom Cloud Altar (Bonus)
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