Le prolifique guitariste, Ralph Santolla, vient de mourir des suites de son attaque cardiaque. Ce dernier était dans le coma depuis le 30 Mai dernier. Le musicien a officié dans de nombreuses formations notamment, Deicide, Iced Earth, Obituary, Death et bien d'autres.
C'est sa mère, Sue Santolla-Rocha qui a annoncé la nouvelle via un communiqué Facebook : "Friend and family..it is out there now so let me tell you what I know. Ralph thought he had a spider bite on Saturday. Went to the hospital. It was not a spider bite, it was a blood clot. Tuesday nite he fell and he had a heart attack. John Rocha gave him CPR until EMT arrive. His heart had stopped but they got him back. His visuals are staple but he is in a coma. He is on a ventilator but he is breathing around it he could breathe on his own but they do not want to had additional strain to his body. He is in a coma. That is the main concern at this moment. They can fix everything else. We are having as many of his friends as he can come and talk to him and play music. There has been a minimal movement but some. It is ICU but he is in a private room and they are letting anyone in and they can stay as long as they want. So please pray as he has people all over the world praying and if you can come and spend time with him. Please..he needs to get back from the place that he is in. I love you all...let’s just work on getting him out of the coma if we can. I will keep everyone update the best I can st Joseph hospital. Van dyke rd Tampa"
Avant de mourir, Ralph Santolla a enregistré du matériel avec son dernier groupe Devil's Highway et ça sortira bientôt.
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