Anima Sola de Minneriket (Black Metal - Norvège) sortira le deux janvier prochain.
L'album a été masterisé par Steve Nagasaki au Nagasaki Sound.
Artwork par Anna Marine.
'The title and artwork are based on the catholic imagery of the lonely
spirit burning in purgatory. The soul which is burning forever, but is
never entirely consumed by the flames. It’s the war between spirits and
matter, and fire as both a destructive force of nature and the kindle in
your heart. '
01. Tro, håp og kjærlighet
02. An all too human heart
03. When life gets sick the dead grow strong
04. I am the Serpent Son
05. Between infinity and melancholy
06. Det lyset jeg ikke kan se
07. Sorger er tyngst i solskinn
08. Alle hjerter banker ei
09. Smerte, skjønnhet og Satan
10. Time for Suicide
Découvrez les deux premiers extraits 'Tro, håp og kjærlighet' et 'An all too human heart':
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