Les deux groupes de Death Metal Spectral Voice (US) et Phrenelith (Danemark) ont sorti le 13 octobre un split au format vinyle chez Iron Bonehead Productions et Dark Descent Records.

Celui-ci est en streaming intégral dans la suite de l'info !

"IRON BONEHEAD PRODUCTIONS, in conspiracy with DARK DESCENT RECORDS, is proud to present a special split 7" between SPECTRAL VOICE and PHRENELITH. America's SPECTRAL VOICE and Denmark's PHRENELITH are two of the death metal underground's hottest, most promising bands who've yet to release a full-length album, and this split 7" features an exclusive song from each horde. Hailing from Denver, SPECTRAL VOICE have churned out a handful of demos as well as a split the last couple years, and their tirelessly prolific nature continues with "Peeled Veins" - ever aptly titled, this track churns with a dizzying density, the band once again putting a new twist on the classic Finnish death metal archetype. Hailing from Copenhagen, PHRENELITH have also churned out a handful of demos the past couple years, and their contribution here to their first split release, "Once Fertile Soil," is a dark 'n' disgusting slice of eldritch Scandinavian bestiality, the likes of which suggested by ancient Belial and Mythos. Together, this split is mandatory for those who freely dwell within the abyss..."
