KAOTOXIN est en pause

Le label indépendant Kaotoxin est en pause pour une durée indéterminée, en raison de problèmes de santé de son fondateur.

Voici le communiqué de ce dernier :

KAOTOXIN is on hold.
We are a small indie label and, like its peers, is mainly composed of a main person and incredible friends helping as much as they can.
For KAOTOXIN, it's me, Nico, and Juliette.
I've just been diagnosed a severe, potentially lethal, disease and I'm trapped at the hospital until further notice. The label is consequently on hold for the same foreseeable future.
We will definitely come back if and whenever possible and meanwhile, Juliette will make sure all orders are shipped (be patient, though!), all invoices paid or sent, and all distributors gets their stock shipped ASAP.
Juliette will NOT answer any comment or MP here or email so she can focus on the afore-mentioned.
Until next time...
