Décès du bassiste/chanteur de Black Tusk


Le groupe de Sludge US, Black Tusk vient d'annoncer la mort de leur bassiste/chanteur Jonathan Athon. Il est décédé des blessures reçues à la suite d'un accident de moto dans la matiné de vendredi lors d'un déplacement avec sa petite amie. Cette dernière est hors de danger.

Le musicien avait été placé dans un coma artificiel après avoir subi des dommages cérébraux irréversibles, il est malheureusement décédé dimanche matin à 32 ans.

Communiqué du groupe :

"It is with deep regret and saddened hearts that we must tell you that Athon passed away this morning from injuries sustained from his motorcycle accident. Doctors told us that he suffered irreparable brain damage shortly after the accident. He has been in a coma and sustained by life support until now. As per his wishes, we removed Athon from his life support systems and his organs will be donated. His body will be cremated and a memorial is being planned for family and friends in Savannah. He was 32 years old and will be forever missed. Thank you all for your support during this devastating time for us, it would have made him proud."
