Nouveau membre chez Abigail Williams

Abigail Williams vient d'annoncer l'intégration officiel de Jeff Wilson au sein de la formation. Le musicien joue avec la formation depuis l'an dernier en live, il sera présent sur le prochain album studio du groupe. Il officie notamment dans, Wolvhammer, Chrome Waves, et Liar In Wait.

L'ancien guitariste, Ian Jekelis est toujours dans le groupe comme "force créatrice" mais ne jouera plus de Live.

Communiqué du groupe :

"Please welcome Jeff Wilson to Abigail Williams as an official band member. Jeff has been working with us for the last year or so and will be playing guitar on the upcoming tours and the new album. Many of you will know him from other bands like Wolvhammer, Chrome Waves, and Liar In Wait, amongst others...

For those of you wondering, Ian Jekelis is still in the band as a creative force but isn't playing live shows anymore. He also sat out the last two Abigail Williams tours in 2012. This might seem odd to some people, but for us it's perfectly natural to have a long-time band member who doesn't tour but is involved on other levels. With the addition of Jeff, it all means even more awesome guitar textures on the forthcoming releases.

Filling in on bass and drums for the upcoming tour will be our friends John Porada (of Terminate) and Jesse Beahler, respectively."
