Après les évènements qui ont frappé Nachtmystium, le leader Black Judd a mît en ligne un nouveau morceau intitulé 'Voyager'. Bien que la date de sortie du prochain album, "The World We Left Behind " ne soit pas encore connue, le musicien a voulu marquer cette sortie de prison par un évènement positif pour le groupe.
Le morceau a été écrit et produit par Judd (qui s'occupe de la guitare, du synthé, et du chante dessus), enregistré à Belle City Sound par Chris Wisco, avec Tim Preciado à la guitare, John Porada à la basse et Sam Shroyer à la batterie.
Voici le communiqué qui accompagné le morceau:
"Given everything that’s going on currently, I’ve decided to put something positive out there and give the fans who are behind the band a little something new before I retreat into silence for a few months. This is a track entitled “Voyager” off of our upcoming album, “The World We Left Behind”, that will be released in early spring 2014 on Century Media Records worldwide. I’ve chosen this track specifically because the lyrical content and motivation behind the music written for this track has everything to do with the demons I’ve been battling leading up to this very dark period of my life, and I felt that it rings true to everything that is happening right now. Enjoy this track and look for more news on this recording, me and the band in general later this year or in early 2014. Thanks again to everyone who’s written me personally or left a comment or a ’like’ on my recent response to all of this via my personal Facebook account. Your support is something I am deeply grateful for.
See you all on the other side,
Blake Judd / Nachtmystium"
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