Heidevolk perd un chanteur

Joris den Boghtdrincker, le second chanteur de Heidevolk vient de quitter la formation. Le groupe cherche actuellement son remplaçant.

Voici le communiqué:

"Joris leaving HEIDEVOLK.

Joris has left HEIDEVOLK. His last show was the Pagagfest gig in New York. We want to thank him for everything he has done during the more than ten years that he was a member of the band. We cherish the experiences of the last decade and we wish him all the best for any future music adventure.

His personal message to everyone:

"After ten great years with Heidevolk, new horizons are beckoning me and I feel it is time for a change. I want to thank all involved in Heidevolk for the good times we had, and I want to wish them all the best in their future endeavours. To all the people I met and had the honour of performing for: it has been a pleasure and I am deeply thankful for all the memories. Wæs þu hæl!"

- Joris

HEIDEVOLK will soon start the search for a suitable replacement for the low vocal parts of the characteristic dual clean vocals. No live shows will be affected. Stand-in vocalist Mickael will take care of the vocal parts for the live shows to come until a new vocalist has been found."
