Annulation de la tournée Make A Change...Kill Yourself, The Great Old Ones et Finster

La tournée de Make A Change...Kill Yourself, The Great Old Ones et Finster vient d'être annulée.

Voici le Communiqué de The Great Old Ones:

Hey everyone. We're sad and disgusted to announce that our european tour with Make A Change... Kill Yourself and Finster is cancelled. The UK mini tour in january is not impacted. Reasons are obscure, even for us. Apparently something went wrong with the bus company, about the price. But that's kinda hard to believe, just 2 days before the kick off. The tour mana
gement (Susanne Klein / Agonal Hope Concerts) have showed up complete disrespect against us. The last 3 months, they've never answered clearly to the most simple organisation question and we've never been correctly informed on what was going on (like the problems on german or italian shows). And today, we've learn the cancellation via Finster's page and events on facebook... We've engaged money for this tour, and we've lost 10 days of vacations (most of us are working beside TGOO) that we could have used for another tour.

We're really sorry for all of you guys who had planned to come to these gigs. For those who bought tickets, you'll be refunded by your local promoter.
Be sure that we'll do our best to tour in Europe in 2013.

Again, we're sorry about this situation.

The Great Old Ones"
