Annonce et artwork du prochain album de NIBIRU

Le groupe de Psychedelic Doom / Drone / Sludge Italien NIBIRU annonce un nouvel album nommé Salbrox pour Mai 2019 via Ritual Productions.

Le mot salbrox viens de l'Enochien et signifie soufre. L'artwork a été réalisé par Valnoir de Metastazis.

"Titled Salbrox, meaning 'Sulfur' in the Enochian language of which the band profess, the rite is a cataclysmic psychic journey of visionary magick, elemental prophecies and esoteric supernormality. Tribal percussion, evocative mantras and hypnotic drones imbued with the band's amalgamation of black metal, doom metal and psychedelic textures formulates a fascinating, idiosyncratic art. Vocals harbour a possessed and rasping quality that surely summon spectres far beyond our comprehensible realm, bringing forth a divination of the self.

Conceptually and spiritually, Salbrox is inspired by the continuous re-adjustment between disharmony and balance. Salbrox aims, via mysterious and enigmatic practices that reflect an ouroboros quality of death and rebirth, to explore the transmutation and regeneration of the human being that occurs at every level - spirit, soul and corporeality.

In turn, the alchemical practice of 'Solve et Coagula' - meaning to dissolve and coagulate - is the foundation of Salbrox. This ethos points towards the liberation of the self from impurities and the destruction of the Ego, bringing forth an alternative awareness and synthesis of the self. The rite is thus a magick process that follows the key principles of alchemy, merging deep, ancestral knowledge into sound voyages that awaken the darkest and most hidden chords of consciousness."


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