Il n'y a pas si longtemps nous vous annoncions la mise en ligne d'un troisième extrait du premier album d'Ave Tenebrae : « Les Chants de Mnémosyne » [Dans la mythologie grecque, Mnémosyne est avant tout la personnification de la mémoire, NDLR]. Il s'agissait de la septième et dernière piste de cet opus, intitulée « Exorde à l’Oubli », dont vous retrouverez les paroles en cliquant ici.
Après ce troisième extrait, c'est l'intégralité de l'album que le groupe vous permet d'écouter sur leur toute nouvelle page bandcamp. Vous y retrouverez - en plus des paroles - la totalité du merchandising du groupe, qui a annoncé offrir un exemplaire de leur troisième démo, « Aux Portes de l’Empyrée », pour tout achat de l'album « Les Chants de Mnémosyne ». Le prix pour cet offre est de 10 €. Un T-Shirt est également disponible, et il semblerait que les stocks soient presque épuisés.
Retrouvez les paroles de Lethal Secrets, ci-dessous :
Lost into the cold deepness of this tearful mist
He’s looking for a lost wisdom from ancient ones
When he discovered the betrayal of the abhorrent mistress
He cursed his ancestors for their poisonous legacy
Breath of the fear
Dreadful emptiness of the absolute knowledge
Lost into a dark age of sadness
When oblivion reigns over the kingdom
The deleterious quest leads the legion
To the gates of the obsidian fields
He’s feeling the land’s disgrace
He’s feeling the land’s pain
He’s hearing the agonizing scream of the dying earth
Surrounded by the circle of disincarnated faces
He’s waiting for the shapeless incarnation
Forbidden landscapes for the human brain
Dreadful emptness of the absolute knowledge
Blinded by the bliss, he can’t discern the arrival
Of the ethereal betrayer’s son
Forged in pieces of madness
He comes to complete the circle
With Tears of his brotherhood
Blood of the mistress falls on the dust
His implacable summoning resounds in the cosmos
The guest of tenebrae inflects his song
In a powerful call to the avatar
Sovereign desires for the last revelation
Dreadful emptiness of the absolute knowledge
When miasmas of knowledge creep into his gazed brain
When he manages to appreciate the revelation in all its majesty
The sky and the earth are slowly put in the shade
The procession of sneering faces disappears
Their voices fade like a dying song
Confined by the horror, only his thoughts survive
He is alone, eternally drowned in an ocean of nothingness
He’s looking for a lost wisdom from ancient ones
When he discovered the betrayal of the abhorrent mistress
He cursed his ancestors for their poisonous legacy
Breath of the fear
Dreadful emptiness of the absolute knowledge
Lost into a dark age of sadness
When oblivion reigns over the kingdom
The deleterious quest leads the legion
To the gates of the obsidian fields
He’s feeling the land’s disgrace
He’s feeling the land’s pain
He’s hearing the agonizing scream of the dying earth
Surrounded by the circle of disincarnated faces
He’s waiting for the shapeless incarnation
Forbidden landscapes for the human brain
Dreadful emptness of the absolute knowledge
Blinded by the bliss, he can’t discern the arrival
Of the ethereal betrayer’s son
Forged in pieces of madness
He comes to complete the circle
With Tears of his brotherhood
Blood of the mistress falls on the dust
His implacable summoning resounds in the cosmos
The guest of tenebrae inflects his song
In a powerful call to the avatar
Sovereign desires for the last revelation
Dreadful emptiness of the absolute knowledge
When miasmas of knowledge creep into his gazed brain
When he manages to appreciate the revelation in all its majesty
The sky and the earth are slowly put in the shade
The procession of sneering faces disappears
Their voices fade like a dying song
Confined by the horror, only his thoughts survive
He is alone, eternally drowned in an ocean of nothingness
Ave Tenebrae
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