Décès de Phil Buerstatte, ex-batteur de White Zombie

Phil Buerstatte (à gauche sur la photo) est décédé ce week end à son domicile, dans le Wisconsin (Etats-Unis), à l'âge de quarante-quatre ans. Il était connu comme ayant fait partie en tant que batteur des groupes White Zombie et Last Crack. Voici le communiqué de Paul Schluter, membre de Last Crack :

"We are sorry to have to announce that Last Crack drummer and our musical brother Phil Buerstatte has passed away today. He will be greatly missed by his many friends, family and fellow band members. 

"Pull out your Last Crack albums, crank them up loud and remember what a great drummer he was!

"It is the end of an era for us and sad to say the original lineup will never be able to play together again. Our last show with Phil from 2009 is posted on Youtube in its entirety. The remaining members of the band are discussing doing a tribute show in Phil's honor in the coming months. We'll post details soon."
