Alex remplace Alex au sein de Rhapsody

Le batteur, Alex Holzwarth quitte Luca Turilli's Rhapsody car il est déjà engagé dans Rhapsody of Fire ( vous arrivez a suivre ? ) donc il est toujours dans Rhapsody mais sans être dans Rhapsody CQFD.

Luca Turilli's Rhapsody annonce que son remplaçant sera  Alex Landenburg qui oeuvre pour AnnihilatorAxxisAt VanceMekong Delta. Bref Alex quitte le groupe Rhapsody pour Rhapsody et il est remplacé par Alex au sein de Rhapsody.

Voici le communiqué du groupe:
"We tried it but we understood in a short time that it would have been really impossible to have our friend and drummer Alex Holzwarth playing for both RHAPSODY and RHAPSODY OF FIRE. In these conditions, there was simply no way to go on and right now, having two tour agencies working for us and starting the planning of the live activity, we agreed that the best is to keep the two bands completely independent from each other. That's why some time ago we found the only possible solution. Alex Holzwarth will go on playing for RHAPSODY OF FIRE, and this makes sense because also his brother is playing in that band, too. From our side, after thanking Alex for all the wonderful moments shared together and to have recorded the new album showing once more all his great technical skill, we started looking around trying to find a special person that could have taken his important place. Well, we can tell you that we found that person and it is surely special, very special… honestly one of the best drummers around we had the chance to listen to. Therefore we are really proud to announce that the new drummer and permanent band member of RHAPSODY will be Mr. Alex Landenburg. We are honored to have Alex with us, we admire his unique talent and we are sure we will have a lot of fun together, in the years to come, on the stages of the whole world!"
