Annonce d'un split réunissant ANCIENT MOON et PROSTERNATUR

Retenez bien ceci : le 22 juin prochain verra naître la rencontre des méfaits d'Ancient Moon et de Protesnatur sous le nom de Secretum Secretorum. Ce split sortira au format vinyl et CD chez Iron Bonehead Productions.

Pour les anglophones, voici le communiqué du label :

Today, Iron Bonehead Productions sets June 22nd as the international release date for Secretum Secretorum, a split album between Ancient Moon ritualistic black metal and Prosternatur, on CD and vinyl LP formats. Two pan-international entities, both Ancient Moon and Prosternatur have but one recording each to their respective names - an album, with the former's arriving in 2015 and the latter's in 2016 - but Secretum Secretorum should prove to shine more blacklight on two infinitely promising, shadowy entities.

For their half, Ancient Moon deliver an 18-minute epic that builds slowly and ominously before exploding into a tensely buzzing hive of nightmarish black metal. Hypnotic yet free-flowing, somehow making time stand still and move in reverse, "Hekas Hekas Este Bebeloi!" imparts an absolutely spellbinding mysticism that could be a whole record unto itself, its movements and fluctuations subtle yet profound; this track simply demands repeat spins, and eternal thralldom. For their half, Prosternatur render three tracks that are impossibly vast for their six-minute average length. And indeed, Prosternatur are a complementary fit for Ancient Moon, in that this shadow-cloaked trio conjures their own brand of black metal mysticism. Viscously thick yet somehow emitting a near-cosmic sense of space, Prosternatur burl forth with a constantly churning density that's expertly laced with all manner of beneath-the-surface color and shade. Their attack is doubtlessly muscular, yet similarly evokes a bewitching sensation on the right side of medieval.

Retrouvez ci-dessous en écoute un extrait de chacun des groupes :
